Top arXiv Papers on Language Models and 3D Shape Generation

Joe H.
May 05, 2023

In today’s post, we explore cutting-edge research that pushes the boundaries of language models and AI applications. Dive into SparseGPT’s memory-saving pruning method, uncover the benefits of distilling smaller models from large language models, and marvel at Unlimiformer’s unlimited input length capabilities. Discover Shap.E’s incredible 3D asset generation and delve into the ethical concerns surrounding poisoning language models with adversarial examples. We’ll also discuss the current state of Hacker News comments, as users navigate through slow response times. Join us as we dissect these fascinating research papers and the online discussions surrounding them!

Top Papers

1) SparseGPT Pruning Large Language Models


SparseGPT is a pruning method for large language models that combines sparsity and quantization to achieve high accuracy with significant memory savings and speedups, and uses adaptive mask selection to yield better results by taking correlations into account.

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  • SparseGPT is a one-shot pruning technique for large language models that achieves high sparsity levels and improved efficiency without sacrificing performance.
  • The algorithm uses sparsification and quantization to allow for one-shot pruning and can achieve stable results even on very large models.
  • SparseGPT achieves accurate and efficient weight reconstruction using the Orthogonal Basis Selection method to iteratively prune weights one-at-a-time and enables the reuse of Hessians between rows with distinct pruning masks.
  • The method involves identifying and removing unimportant neurons and connections in the model, resulting in a smaller and more efficient model that is easier to deploy on devices with limited resources.
  • SparseGPT can accurately prune massive language models in one-shot without retraining, achieving high sparsity levels and low accuracy fluctuations.
  • Combining sparsity with quantization can lead to significant improvements in accuracy.

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2) Distilling Smaller Models Outperforming Large Language Models.


Distilling smaller task-specific models from large language models can address computational and memory challenges, requiring less training data and computation cost while achieving better performance with fewer labeled/unlabeled training examples.

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  • Distilling smaller task-specific language models from large language models can address computational and memory challenges while outperforming LLMs in reasoning capabilities.
  • The proposed mechanism, Distilling step-by-step, achieves better performance with fewer labeled/unlabeled training examples and introduces a new mechanism for training SLMs with less training data.
  • The approach generates rationales using Chain-of-Thought prompting and incorporates them into the training process.
  • The study shows that distilling step-by-step outperforms standard finetuning and task distillation approaches and can handle tasks beyond question-answering.
  • The paper discusses the effectiveness of smaller models compared to large language models in natural language processing and the importance of distilling knowledge in neural networks.
  • The document covers various topics, including model reconstruction, adversarial NLI, and teaching small language models to reason, and mentions several authors and their publications.

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3) Unlimiformer Long-Range Transformers with Unlimited Length


Summary 1: Unlimiformer, a transformer model using sparse attention and routing transformers, outperforms traditional transformers in handling long input dialogues and documents.

Summary 2: Unlimiformer combines long-range transformers with a mechanism for segmenting input sequences, allowing for efficient handling of sequences of unlimited length.

Summary 3: “The Brothers Karamazov” is a novel exploring themes of morality, religion, and human nature through the story of a dysfunctional family and a murder trial.

Summary 4: The document proposes a new method for training transformers with unlimited input length by segmenting the input sequence and achieving state-of-the-art results on language modeling tasks.

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  • Unlimiformer is a retrieval-based encoder-decoder transformer that allows for unbounded input sequence length by encoding overlapping chunks and performing a k-nearest neighbor search in an external datastore to choose a set of per-decoder-layer per-attention-head tokens to attend to.
  • It improves the efficiency of transformers by using a retrieval-augmented cross-attention mechanism, which retrieves the top-k hidden states from the encoder’s last hidden states and stores them in a datastore indexed using a k-nearest neighbor search algorithm.
  • The proposed approach can be injected into any pretrained seq2seq transformer and is cheaper than existing methods that require separate datastores for each attention head in each decoder layer.
  • Unlimiformer is a long-range transformer model that can handle inputs of unlimited length and uses different training methodologies, including random-encoded, retrieval, and chunked training.
  • Experimental results show that Unlimiformer outperforms existing methods on several benchmark datasets.

4) Shap.E Conditional 3D Implicit Function Generation


Shap.E is a fast and flexible 3D asset generative model that directly generates implicit function parameters, capable of producing textured meshes and neural radiance fields, and is not limited to a specific modality, enabling downstream applications such as style transfer and differentiable shape editing.

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  • Shap.E is a fast and flexible conditional generative model for 3D assets that directly generates the parameters of implicit functions.
  • Shap.E can produce both textured meshes and neural radiance fields, and is trained in two stages using a Transformer-based encoder to produce INR parameters for 3D assets.
  • Shap.E produces a single output representation and is not limited to a specific modality, and it can be used for downstream applications such as style transfer and differentiable shape editing.
  • Shap.E combines NeRF and STF rendering techniques and involves training an encoder to produce the parameters of an implicit function given a dense explicit representation of a known 3D asset.
  • Shap.E can generate diverse objects without relying on images and can be combined with optimization-based 3D generative techniques or image-based objectives to guide the sampling process.

5) Poisoning Language Models with Adversarial Examples


This study explores the susceptibility of large language models to poisoning with adversarial examples and proposes defenses such as filtering high-loss samples and reducing model capacity, while also addressing ethical concerns.

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  • Language models can be poisoned with adversarial examples to manipulate their predictions.
  • Larger models are more vulnerable to poisoning, and increasing training time and size increases poison effectiveness.
  • Filter high-loss training examples and increasing model size can mitigate adversarial attacks.
  • Poison examples can be clean-label or dirty-label and can affect toxicity and insult detection.
  • Task diversity is critical in determining the success of poisoning, with a greater diversity resulting in a larger drop in accuracy.
  • The authors highlight the need for defenses against data poisoning and propose a defense based on filtering high-loss samples.

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