Top arXiv Papers on Active Retrieval, Verifiability, Calibration, Noise Schedules, and Compilers

Joe H.
May 18, 2023

In today’s post, we dive into the latest research trends, exploring innovative approaches to improve text generation accuracy, the quest for verifiability in generative search engines, a machine learning model that learns from human feedback, fixing flawed noise schedules in machine learning, and a groundbreaking method for automatic compiler generation. Join us as we unravel these cutting-edge papers and the insightful discussions from Hacker News that shed light on the potential impact and applications of these fascinating advancements. Stay tuned to discover what the future holds for AI and technology!

Top Papers

1) Retrieval-Augmented Language Models for Accurate Generation


The paper proposes retrieval-augmented language models (RALMs) using Forward-Looking Active Retrieval Augmented generation (FLARE) to improve text generation accuracy and achieve superior or competitive performance on all tasks, including open-domain question answering and multihop question answering.

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  • Retrieval-augmented language models improve language generation accuracy by incorporating external knowledge resources through retrieval.
  • The proposed approach, called Forward-Looking Active Retrieval Augmented generation (FLARE), actively decides when and what to retrieve to improve performance.
  • FLARE generates a temporary next sentence, uses it as a query to retrieve relevant documents, and then regenerates the next sentence conditioning on the retrieved documents.
  • FLARE outperforms baselines in terms of accuracy and factuality of the generation in multihop question answering tasks.
  • The paper proposes a framework for active retrieval augmented generation that aids long-form generation with retrieval.

2) Verifiability in Generative Search Engines


Generative search engines need to improve their citation practices to provide more reliable and informative responses, according to a study that evaluated four popular generative search engines and proposed citation recall and precision evaluation metrics.

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  • Verifiability is a crucial trait of trustworthy generative search engines.
  • Only 51.5% of statements made by popular generative search engines are fully supported by citations.
  • Proposed citation recall and precision evaluation metrics aim to encourage comprehensive and accurate citation practices in generative search engines.
  • Existing systems struggle with unsupported statements and inaccurate citations, highlighting the need for improvement in content selection and source identification.
  • Human evaluation is crucial in assessing the verifiability of generated responses, with careful consideration of the user query and statement, as well as the level of support offered by citations.

3) SLiC-HF Learning from Human Feedback


SLiC-HF is a machine learning model that uses human feedback to improve ranking accuracy and significantly improves supervised fine-tuning baselines, making it simpler to implement and more computationally efficient than past work.

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  • SLiC-HF is a method for training AI models with human feedback to improve performance in natural language processing and machine learning tasks.
  • SLiC-HF uses a reward function to estimate the goodness of a trajectory and can be used with AI feedback in the same way as human feedback.
  • The model significantly improves generated decodes according to a reward function and avoids pairwise-to-pointwise noise, which helps improve performance.
  • SLiC-HF is a competitive alternative to reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) implementation and is simpler to implement and more computationally efficient than past work.
  • Learning from human feedback has been shown to be effective at aligning language and can also be used to effectively learn from human preferences using reward scores assigned from a reward model trained on human preference models with human preferences.

4) Flawed Diffusion Noise Schedules in Machine Learning


The article proposes the use of DDIM sampler, trailing timestep selection, and classifier-free guidance weight to fix flawed diffusion noise schedules in machine learning and recommends rescaling existing schedules to ensure zero terminal SNR and prevent over-exposure.

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  • Flawed diffusion noise schedules in machine learning can cause issues with over-exposure and incorrect sample generation.
  • Rescaling existing schedules to ensure zero terminal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and starting samplers from the last timestep can help address these issues.
  • The corrected model is able to generate samples more faithful to the original data distribution and prevents over-exposure.
  • The proposed fixes involve using the DDIM sampler, trailing timestep selection, and classifier-free guidance weight.
  • Empirical findings suggest that setting the rescale factor within 0.5 and 0.75 produces the most appealing results.
  • The approach is designed only for image-space models, and a new way to rescale using dynamic thresholding is proposed to solve the over-exposure problem.

5) Automatic Compiler Generation from Hardware Models


Researchers from the University of Washington have developed a method to automatically generate compilers from hardware models using program synthesis techniques, which reduces development effort and provides stronger correctness guarantees.

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  • Automatic compiler generation from hardware models is a topic of interest in academic papers and conferences.
  • Modern techniques such as machine learning and SMT solvers can reduce development effort and provide strong correctness guarantees.
  • A prototype tool has been developed that generates FPGA technology mappers from SystemVerilog models of the hardware they target.
  • The approach utilizes program synthesis techniques and captures patterns common across FPGA architectures.
  • Compiler components should be automatically generated from hardware design language (HDL) models of the hardware they target.
  • Researchers from the University of Washington have developed a method for automatic compiler generation from hardware models.

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