Top arXiv Papers: Mathematics, Teaching, MindEye, Turing Test, CryptOpt, and Language Models

Joe H.
June 02, 2023

In today’s post, we delve into trending research papers that have sparked engaging discussions on Hacker News. Discover the significance of constructive mathematics in education, unravel the mystery behind CryptOpt’s open-source automatic optimizer for cryptographic code, and explore the political leanings of language models. Join us as we dissect these fascinating papers and the insightful conversations they’ve ignited among the tech community.

Top Papers

1) Constructive Mathematics in Teaching and Learning


The article discusses the importance of teaching constructive mathematics with clear explanations, meaningful problems, and without tricks, offering examples of constructive proofs and constructions.

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  • Constructive mathematics is important in teaching, but classical mathematics should also be taught before extracting constructive statements from its proofs.
  • Examples of constructive proofs and possible constructions are provided, along with the concept of traps for sequences to understand limits.
  • Using intermediate notions and game terms can help students become accustomed to long quantifier prefixes.
  • Providing clear explanations and justifications for solutions is important in teaching and grading mathematical competitions.
  • Choosing meaningful problems that do not require complex reasoning is important in teaching mathematics, and existential statements are also important.
  • The difficulty of defining mathematical truth and the importance of understandable goals in teaching are discussed, along with different ways to understand mathematical statements on different levels of abstraction.

2) Reconstructing the Minds Eye with fMRI


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3) Human or Not A Gamified Turing Test


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4) CryptOpt Automatic Optimization of Straightline Code


CryptOpt is an open-source automatic optimizer for straightline code with a focus on cryptographic primitives, achieving significant speedups across platforms and using various optimization techniques and validation approaches.

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  • CryptOpt is an automatic optimizer for straightline code, with a focus on cryptographic primitives.
  • It uses a dynamic approach to measure execution time and a mutation-based strategy to optimize code.
  • CryptOpt employs an input language that allows it to optimize large expressions, including modular arithmetic using bitwise operations.
  • The tool can generate high-performance implementations for eight CPU architectures, achieving significant speedups.
  • CryptOpt is open-source and has been tested on various machines and CPUs, including Intel and AMD processors.

5) Opinions Reflected by Language Models


A study on language models found that they tend to align with the views of liberals and moderates, have low consistency scores in replicating human experiments, and the authors propose a methodology to evaluate them using a dataset called OpinionQA.

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  • Language models (LMs) misalign with the opinions of US demographic groups on various topics.
  • OpinionQA dataset is created to investigate LM opinions using high-quality public opinion polls and human responses.
  • A methodology is proposed to evaluate LM opinions using the OpinionQA dataset and 1-Wasserstein distance as a similarity measure.
  • LMs tend to converge towards the modal views of liberals and moderates, with text-davinci-003 having a unique and unrepresentative opinion distribution.
  • LMs may misrepresent specific groups, and caution must be taken to avoid replicating human biases.

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